Creating an printable Market Report

Are you looking to create a market report? Pre or Post valuation?

To create your bespoke market report, either search for a property directly via the top left main search bar, or navigate to the Reports tab in the top middle of the page.


If you are creating a market report via the first option and have searched for a specific property via the main search bar, you’ll now need to select create market report underneath the satellite image window;


However, if you have followed the second option and have first navigated to the report tab, there is a secondary search bar here that will skip the initial property results page and take you straight to the create a report menu.


From this report creation menu you have several options depending on the report you wish to create. While the creation of all our reports are fairly self-explanatory, this article will be focusing on the creation of a Older Sales Market report - This is found under 'Create Legacy Report'

Creating Your Report


My Details

Once you have selected your preferred report, the first page you will be taken to is the My Details section. On this page you’ll have the option to upload an agent photo, upload your company logo, pick your preferred Hex Colour code as well as write a short bio about you and your company. All of our reports are set to draw information from your Homesearch login, so the email address you use to access your account will be the one visible on the report. If you’re attempting to create a market report for someone without an account, it is advisable to contact about the creation of a new user account instead.

At the very end of this first page you have a tick box to save these details for all future reports. This will mean that setting up your branding and profile will only be need to be completed once.

If you need to locate your company's HEX colour code and you're not sure what it is, there is a handy guide here on finding it on your website


Property Details

The second page of creating a report is about the property in question.

At the top of the page you have the option between using Google street view and uploading your own photo for the hero image on the report. This can always be amended later. Often our agents use Google's street view for a pre-valuation report and ensure they take a picture once they’ve been to the property to update their report post-valuation.

Details and information Homesearch hold on the property will pre-populate but you do have the option of amending any of the information before the report is generated. Perhaps the owners of the property you’re going out to see have already told you they have recently converted their home to have an extra bedroom.

At the end of this page you have the estimates. Homesearch has a dependable estimate algorithm to ballpark a property’s value, however this should not be relied upon to provide a Homeowner an accurate market value. We are unable to take specifics about the property into account and base our estimates on local sales of a similar nature.

In any event, our estimates can be hidden or amended depending on your own needs or knowledge. If you’re creating a pre-valuation report, it is advisable to hide the estimate altogether.


Recently Sold

On the next page we get to select recently sold comparables. By default, Homesearch will have already selected 3 properties. You can however deselect these if you do not want them included. 

Under the filters tab to the right of the page, you can fine tune the list of available properties and once you're happy with the list, you can select up to 10 properties to include in your report.


To view only the properties being included in the report, click on the Selected Properties (X/10) option, just to the right of the search results. 


Currently we are unable to provide property images with for the recently sold comparables. 


On The Market

Similar to the last page, Homesearch will select 3 properties by default. You also have similar filtering options to fine tune the search results. 


Once you have selected up to 10 properties, click on the Selected Properties (X/10) option, just to the right of the search results. 


From here you can select the option to hide other agent names in the report as well as hiding all property images. 


To view the image Homesearch is including for each property, simply click on an address. This will expand on the property and give you a preview of the properties hero image. 




The Customise section will give you the final say on many of the pages included in our reports.

All of the pages on this report can be hidden by unticking the checkbox against each one. 

If you can alter a page via this screen, an Edit option will be to the right of each section.

The sections and their options are; 


  • Select 1 of 3 styles for your cover page.

Intro Letter

  • Salutation - Greet the homeowner "Dear Mr and Mrs..."
  • Introduction copy - Type up your typical valuation letter. This can be saved for future reports to save you from writing this up every time. 
    • Thank you for the invitation to discuss your circumstances and how we can be of service.

      In the following pages you'll find information on your home, the current market, and a tool to help you find your next home.

Your Property

  • To edit this page, you'll need to navigate back the second page of this report builder.

Recent Sales

  • To edit this page, you'll need to navigate back the third page of this report builder.

On the Market Comparables

  • To edit this page, you'll need to navigate back the forth page of this report builder.

Market Analysis

  • A selection of graphs you can include or exclude.

Your Neighbourhood

  • Toggle for showing demographics
    • Select up to 3 local Schools
    • Up to 3 local Parks
    • Up to 3 local transport links
    • Up to 3 local supermarketsToggle to show nearby amenities


  • Add 'Key Points' you would like to mention about the property
  • Add 'Things to consider' to follow on from conversations you have had with the client

Agent Profile

  • Will display your agent and brand bio completed during setup on the first page.

Data Disclaimer 


If this is the first time creating a market report, it's advisable to create one for your own property and then open it up as if you're the intended recipient. This way you can familiarise yourself with the elements you prefer to include for your own clients.  

For information on editing a market report, kindly follow the respective links.