Where can I find my brand's Hex Colour Code?

Hex colour codes are used for the set up of Market reports, Lead Magnet and Homefinder. As well as being needed in the creation of your letters to keep them on brand. But where can you find yours?

If you've commissioned a company website then you're in luck, finding your exact Hex colour code for your branding is easy, so long as you have access to the web browser Google Chrome. 

Simply navigate to your website using Google Chrome and right click on a colour element. Buttons are often the easiest place to find your Hex code.

Here, I've right clicked our Homesearch book a demo button and at the bottom of the options, I've clicked on Inspect;

right clickInspect element will allow you to see the source code of your website. If you know what you're doing, you can also edit the wording of a website on your computer only. This is particularly useful for office practical jokes. 

However, to continue our search for a Hex code, buttons on a web page typically are an easy place to find them. Once you have clicked on inspect element, a new section will appear to the right of your page;


In the inspect element side of the webpage, you'll be looking out for small coloured squares like the below. Clicking on these will give you your 6 digit Hex code beginning with a #


You can see here, that the Coral colour we use is #ff4d52

You can also use the small arrows to the right of this popup, to locate other colour formats like RGB, HSL and HWB. For example, if you're designing your letter on Microsoft word, you'll need your colour code in RGB format.