What you can do as a Global Manager

Global Managers are the top of the hierarchy for Homesearch users. They have additional privileges which helps the individual manage a team.

In this article, we're going to outline the extra features a Global Manager has in their possession. 

These features include;

Swapping between virtual offices

Checking the letters an office has dispatched

Cancelling a letter campaign

Manage user accounts

Invite a new user

Adding a property to, or checking your Do Not Mail list

Transferring Letter Credits between branches

Swapping between virtual offices

Behind the scenes of the Homesearch software, the team here set up virtual offices to mirror their real life counter parts. If you're the Global Manager of a multi branch network and these branches have their own Homesearch License, you can log out of one office and jump across to another. 

In effect you'll be able to see how many credits each office has left, and purchase more credits for them by signing into their office. 

To do so, first navigate to your Profile Button in the top right of the screen. This should be your initials but could also be your display picture if you've uploaded one;


From here, select Profile Settings. This will open up a new window to change elements like your password but more importantly in this instance, your Branch.


Once the Branch dropdown has been selected, you'll see a list of other available offices in your network. Please note, that to swap between offices, your password must be entered to both password cells at the bottom of the page. 


Lastly, click Update at the bottom of the page to swap offices. 

Checking the letters an office has dispatched

To see the letters your branch have sent to our printer or saved to drafts, first ensure you are signed into the correct office by following the steps above

Once in the correct office, navigate to the Letters option in your top tool bar and from here, select Letter History;


On this page you will find a list of the campaigns this office has dispatched to our printer or started to create and left in drafts. 

You can filter for certain time frames, users or campaign status at the top of this list. By selecting Successful ROI, we'll filter for just the campaigns in which a letter has been dispatched to an address and that we've seen your Estate Agency has then brought that same property to market. 


To preview the letters that have been sent, simply click on the small Square Icon towards the right of each campaign line. This will open up a new window, previewing the letter used in said campaign. 

*in this example, the virtual office is named Homesearch - Matt H

Cancelling a letter campaign

Via the above Letter History page, you can also cancel letter campaigns that have been sent to our printer, providing the campaign has been dispatched prior to midnight of the same day. 

If you are attempting to cancel a letter campaign sent yesterday, you would need to contact the team via support@homesearch.co.uk

Please bear in mind that this will not always be possible as letters are dispatched in the early hours of a morning. 

Manage user accounts

As a Global Manager, you'll have visibility over all users with Homesearch access in your network of offices. 

To check this list, first navigate to the Cog Wheel icon in the top right of the screen. Then from here, select Manage Users

Capture-May-04-2023-11-40-21-9103-AMWithin this list, you can search for particular users and see their status. Free users in effect do not have access to the Homesearch License you are paying for. A free account only provides access to 5 property searches and 3 market reports per month. 

When the Homesearch team are asked to remove a user, we default the account to a free login and change the users password. Without access to their company email address, they would be unable to log back in. 

Permanent deletion is possible upon request to support@homesearch.co.uk

On this view of all users, you are also able to click on the users name which will open up their user settings page, to reset their password or lock their account. 

Invite a user to create an account

By following the steps above and navigating to the Manage Users view, you can also invite your colleagues to create a Homesearch account by clicking on the + Add User button at the top left of the screen. 

Please bear in mind they the email address being invited will need to be on an approved list of domains we hold for your account. By default this will be the same domain as your company website and email addresses. 

When inviting a user to create an account, you will be taken to a new page in which you can select the correct branch the user should be assigned to;


Adding a property to, or checking your Do Not Mail list

Any user can add a property to your Do Not Mail list. For more information on this process, please refer to this article

However, Global Managers will be able to check on this Do Not Mail list, view the addresses within and remove them if needed. You'll also be able to see who added each property to this DNM. 

To locate your DNM list, navigate to Letters in the top tool bar, followed by Do Not Mail;


To remove a property from your DNM, click on the vertical 3 dots towards the right of each property line, and select Remove Address

Transferring Letter Credits between branches

Currently, there is no way for a Global Manager to move credits between branches. You can log in to said branch and purchase credits for them, but if you need to transfer credits between Branch A and Branch B, please contact us via support@homesearch.co.uk