Tracking Market Report open rates

How do I know if someone has looked at my market reports?

Homesearch market reports track their open rates and inform you each time. These reports also stay live for 3 years, so it’s advisable to send a report to everyone you’re talking to. You never know when they might be back in property mode next if they suddenly go silent.

The most obvious way we inform you that your market report has been looked at, is an email directly to the email address you use to login to Homesearch.

There is also a view counter within the Reports section of the Homesearch platform. To see this, navigate to the Reports section at the top of your Window.


On this page, you’ll see your history of previously created market reports. If you can't find the one you’re looking for, you can always search for it via the postcode of the property in question via the right-hand side search box at the top of the page.


Once you have located you preferred market report, you’ll be able to see a view counter against each report. You can also click on these view counters as this will expand on the information available and tell you exactly what times the report was viewed. Interesting to know if a homeowner is reading your report as soon as they get home from work!


It is also worth noting that if you’re not logged into Homesearch, and you open a link you’ve sent to a homeowner, it will trigger the same email and add a view to the counter.

I’m receiving a lot of notifications about reports being viewed, can I mute this?

Yes you can. Under the 3 vertical dots to the right of your report view counter, you’ll see an option to Edit Alerts. From here, we can select No more email alerts. While it might be encouraging to see 30 views of your market report in a single afternoon, you could probably assume the vendor is interested after the first 5 or so.



If you're looking to edit your Market Report, please click here