Re:Contact - Giving Feedback

Submit your experience, highlight issues, suggest ideas.


The development team at Homesearch are always looking for feedback on the Re:Contact, including any bugs or errors and your own ideas on what could improve the platform and how it presents all your opportunities to you and/or your teams. We also love to provide the opportunity to rate your experience. All ideas and feedback help towards present and future fixes, updates and features to improve agents' day-to-day work.

For this reason, the Feedback feature is built into every page to be accessible and ready when you are. Use it to screen grab, snippet or highlight specifics, draw, write notes and explanations, whatever method suits you best to convey the professional messaging we can review and act upon. Thank you!

Rate Your Experience

Simple in concept and design - rate your experience when convenient - 5 stars right?

If you're not able to do something specific causing a knock to the experience, refer to our Knowledge Centre articles or Report an issue (explained next).

Reporting an issue

We've got some great built-in tools to use in reporting any bugs you find, the default one loading a Click & Drag to Draw Tool. In addition to this, on the left of your screen, you'll see other options that include text boxes, drawing tools etc to best suit your method of highlighting what you want to share with us.

On the right of your screen, you will find the main text box, just provide an explanation and click 'Submit' and it will be sent to the dedicated development team to be reviewed.

The record button in the image above allows users to do short screen-recordings too.

To back out of any reporting at any stage, click the red 'X' in the top right of your screen.

Send an idea

With one fascinating element of Re:Contact being how flexible it can be, our dedicated development team can easily review new ideas and adapt any active roadmap of changes/updates to the platform to suit the end users, you, our valued clients, in what best to present you and how this looks visually. 
Please share any ideas, however big or small that you think would add value to you, the team, the business and your overall experience.

Again picture and short video tools are available to assist you and your request, leaving an email allows us to update you and ask further clarifying questions if required and most importantly - to thank you!


We hope that this article assists you in your day-to-day Re:Contact usage, any feedback you'd like to share or suggestions for articles that will help you please email