Letter Ideas - Likely Landlords

Looking to attract more Landlords? Need more Landlord leads? Using Explorer for Lettings?

Getting more Landlord leads is every Letting Agents M.O. but GDPR often makes it difficult going directly to them. 

There are not many silver bullets out their but there is a way of increasing the likelihood that your letter will land at the home address of a Landlord. 

Most Landlords live locally to their portfolio of properties as they want to be close enough in case property maintenance requires a hands on approach. It's also true to say that many Landlords have worked their way up the property ladder. 

In effect you'll want to pick a section of town you know is synonymous with wealth and filter Explorer for the following;

  • Detached 
  • 5+ Bedrooms
  • Owner Occupier
  • Minimum Property value - High end for your local market. 

While we can't be certain the homeowners you're writing to are Landlords, we are increasing the chances of our lettings letters being read by our target audience. 

The subject of your letters can of course vary, but in principle you'll need to ask "Are you a Landlord?", "Are you happy with your current managed agent?". At which point you can offer the differences your agency can provide. 

If you need any help with the content of lettings focused letters, be sure to check out this article here