Letter content suggestions - Lettings

Need a point in the right direction? Well feel free to use any of the letters below to start your canvassing journey with Homesearch.

Please feel free to use the below letters, in part or in full. Please make sure you amend any Homesearch generic sections and you're welcome to add your own personality.


Recently Let

Tenant Referral to landlord letter 1

Tenant Referral to landlord letter 2

Landlord farming letter

Rent, don't sell letter

Promoting the Landlord Lead Generator PDF letter

Recently Let

Dear Neighbour,

We thought you’d like to know that you will soon have new neighbours!
Homesearch was recently trusted by a local landlord to find a tenant for a property on Dulwich Close.

A new neighbour has been found and they will be moving in very shortly.
We hope you will make them feel very welcome and help them settle into this amazing community.
We thought you would be interested to know a little more info on your area seeing as the UK loves nothing more than to talk about two things; the weather and the property market!
Whilst we are not able to predict the weather, we can give you an overview of the local market.

1. 145 of the 8,412 properties in MK16 have transacted over the past 12 months and
this equates to 1.72%.
2. The average price of a property in MK16 currently stands at £332,296 and that is a
net value of £3,000,000,000!
3. Approximately 11% of properties in MK16 are rented and around 51% do not have a

If you’re thinking of making a move yourself or know anybody else who is looking to move locally we would love to hear more about it and offer any advice.

Yours sincerely,

Tenant Referral to landlord letter 1

Dear Neighbour,

We understand that you are currently renting at this address and that the property is on the market.

If we can be of any assistance in helping you move to a new property, please do let us know.
Alternatively, if you would recommend/refer us to your landlord and they subsequently choose us to sell their property; we will give you a £100 amazon voucher to help towards Christmas!

Best of luck with the move and you know where we are if needed.

Yours sincerely,


Tenant Referral to landlord letter 2

Dear Neighbour,

We understand that you are currently renting at this address and do hope that you are enjoying every minute of living here.

We also hope that you are getting the care and attention you deserve from your landlord/managing agent but if you think things could be better then perhaps we can help?
If you recommend/refer us to your landlord and they subsequently instruct us to manage the property;

we will give you a £100 amazon voucher to help towards Christmas!

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to discuss this further.

Yours sincerely,


Landlord farming letter

Dear Homeowner,

Is this the only property in your empire or do you own any others?
Quite a blunt question, we know.

However, you will be surprised at the number of homeowners out there in MK16 that own more than one property and are not getting the help needed in managing their investment portfolio.
There are 8,412 properties in MK16 of which approximately 934 are currently rented out privately and that equates to around 11%.

The rental market is changing all the time, from prices to legislation and we want to make sure that landlords are both compliant and maximising the return on their assets.

If you are interested to find out more about how we can help or know one other landlord that could benefit from a chat with us, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Yours sincerely,


Rent, don't sell Letter

Dear Neighbours,

I note from our research that it appears your property has been up for sale for some time through
another agent.

I wanted to take the opportunity to ask you if you would consider renting out your property?
I appreciate that sometimes the choice to sell or rent a home is not just about finances, but of life

You may be in the fortunate position to rent your property out and keep the option to sell in the future?

I helped a Landlord rent his property when he could not find a buyer through the agent he was using.

He was pleasantly surprised when I found him a tenant who paid more rent than he expected for his property.

This meant he could get on with his life without the uncertainty of finding a buyer as the property had already been empty for 4 months.

Now imagine how you would feel in your new home and no longer stressing about keeping the house tidy, waiting for the phone call with an offer, or going weeks on end with no contact and having that ongoing uncertainty.

How open-minded are you to learn more about this?

If any of the above resonates with you when thinking about moving home, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

So what are you waiting for?

Yours Sincerely,


Promoting the Landlord Lead Generator PDF letter


Capture-Aug-10-2023-04-10-09-9739-PMHomesearch Landlord Lead gen letter.docx