Using property data on social media

Researching property data has obvious uses for valuation preparation, but there are plenty of uses for the data we hold on properties to help you grow your social media presence too!

In this article, we'll walk you through some of the common ways you can use Homesearch data to help you grow your social media presence. 

Tweaking your advertising spend

Market update videos

Facebook adverts. Are you targeting the correct demographic split?


Social media adverts that you could run via the likes of Facebook, typically give you the choice on how you split up your target demographic. For example, maybe you're targeting the residents of a local town to see if they're thinking of selling. But how do you split your market budget? Maybe you target 50% men and 50 Women? 

Luckily, Homesearch allows you to check demographic data for a district beforehand. 

To check this data, first search for any property via the top left search bar, providing said property is within the postcode district you're looking to advertise too. 


From your new property page, navigate to the district tab under the satellite image;


Scrolling down on this section, you'll see the demographic breakdown of the district. In this example, BS3 has slightly more men in the district than women. We can also see that a large section of the area is between the ages of 26-35. You can now factor this into your social media advertisement spend.


Recording market update videos


If you've been in business 30 plus years, or new to the game, posting videos online is a great way to show the public that you're knowledgeable in their area. Thankfully, even if you haven't been in the industry long, or can't remember millions of pieces of data yourself, Homesearch has your content covered for videos such as these. 

You'll have to navigate to the street tab of a property, much in the same way as the example above; 


The basic premise would be you walking along a street in question, filming yourself in "selfie" mode or better yet, using a gimbal. As you walk down the street, you can mention key bits of information relevant to the road. 

This street tab in Homesearch, should give you plenty of things to say in your video.

In this example, we could mention:

"Today I'm on Greendale Road here in sunny Bristol",

"There are 25 properties on the road with net value of over £8 million",

"The average pound per square foot for the road is £417",

"In the last 2 years, 2 properties have come up for sale with the last one being number X, just behind me here",

"The street is predominately semi detached, however there are 4 flats on the road.".

In fact, information such as the above might be a useful way to start a property video off if you're recording an online viewing. As you could be mentioning street information on your walk to the front door of the property you have for sale. 

We would advise you to stay clear of mentioning any demographic information for the street. Most residents are unlikely to receive comments like "The street is predominantly in their 60's" very well.