Re:Contact - On Market

Filtering all the contacts you know that are marketing their property. Reach out, add value and an opportunity to work with you.

On Market

Re:Contact presents all live market properties that you know within your CRM database at key trigger points in their individual market journey, these triggers include;

  • Reduced
  • 16+ Weeks
  • 12+ Weeks
  • 8+ Weeks
  • New (to market)

Re:Contact will present some key information about the property, this includes;

  • The Property Address
  • Number of beds/baths
  • Type of Property (Flat/House)
  • District
  • Price
  • How long since that market update
  • Days on Market
  • The Agent for that property
  • Size in Bedrooms and Sq Ft
  • Last CRM Update

Whereas Re:Contact Market Success focused on those nearby to market to, Re:Contact On Market is focused on that individual property you know and highlights key times you can get in touch with your expert advice and alternative options you could offer them. The button colours remain the same meaning, Green - good to go, Red - a missed opportunity but a valid CRM data cleanse opportunity, perhaps make a note of the address in your CRM for future anniversary mail marketing to nurture future contact details? Blue - someone in the business already has it covered, move on to the next opportunity!

Filter Agent

In comparison to Market Success being focused on your own agency name to filter against, with On Market, use it to target known competitors you feel confident offering alternative services against to those properties they currently have on the market.


We hope that this article assists you in your day-to-day Re:Contact usage, any feedback you'd like to share or suggestions for articles that will help you please email