Lead magnet- Homesearch Lead Gen Tool!

What is it and how to promote it

Our lead generation tool is available to everyone. If you do not have one please contact support@homesearch.co.uk to get your unique white labelled lead gen tool set up!


The client journey starts by the vendor entering their property address. 

They will then be taken to their free dynamic property reports. A snapshot of what we know about their home and the market around them. We do not provide the client with a valuation, we want to give them a teezer of the information you know already, this then entices them to click 'Get in touch' to fill in their contact information. 


Even if the client doesn't complete the contact enquiry form we will still capture the property address that has been searched. You will be emailed with the property address that has been searched for. We have written an article on how to follow these leads up here - How to follow up your lead magnet

On your website- Integrate as a pop up on your website 

Add a QR code to your letters