Letter content suggestions - On Behalf of a Buyer or Seller

Need a point in the right direction? Well feel free to use any of the letters below to start your canvassing journey with Homesearch.

Please feel free to use the below letters, in part or in full. Please make sure you amend any Homesearch generic sections and you're welcome to add your own personality.


On behalf of a buyer/Vendor

On behalf of a buyer/vendor letter

Dear Neighbour,

Can you help?
We are working with a customer whose home I have just valued, during our meeting we discussed in detail what their next home should look like.
From that, I was able to build a profile of all local homes that met their criteria using some cool
property finding tech we use to help people find their dream home, whether it is on or off-market

We have identified your home as one of 43 homes locally, that could be exactly what they are looking for, we can see you have lived at your address for over 10 years and wondered if during that time you might have considered moving.

If so, Mr & Mrs Jones whose home I just valued, would love it if you got in touch with me, as I
promised to work on their behalf to try and find something new for them.
Even if you aren't thinking of moving in the next 12+ months, I'd still love to hear from you, we often grow relationships with customers for several years and help them move, when it's right for them.

You won't be pestered, that's just not our style, but what we always welcome is the chance to get to know local homeowners in our area and offer a friendly face to speak to about anything property related if and when they need it.
