Letter content suggestions - Local Successes

Need a point in the right direction? Well feel free to use any of the letters below to start your canvassing journey with Homesearch.

Please feel free to use the below letters, in part or in full. Please make sure you amend any Homesearch generic sections and you're welcome to add your own personality.


Recently Exchanged Letter

Sale agreed letter 1

Sale agreed letter 2

New to the market in your street

Valuing in your area letter

Valuing in your street letter

Highest transacted streets letter

Listed Building Letter

Recently completed letter

New builds letter

New listing in the area letter

Recently Exchanged Letter

Dear Neighbour,

We thought you’d like to know that you will soon have new neighbours!
Homesearch was recently trusted by a first-time seller to secure a buyer for a property on Dulwich Close.

A first-time buyer has been found as a new neighbour and we are sure you will make them feel very welcome and help them settle into this amazing community.
We thought you would be interested to know a little more info on your street and local area seeing as the UK loves everything to do with the property market!

5 Facts about Dulwich Close and MK16:
6 new neighbours in Dulwich Close over the last 12 months and 12 in the last 3 years!
There are 70 properties on Dulwich Close with an average price of £290,190 which is a net value of approximately £19,000,000!

The average £ per square foot is £318 compared to the MK16 average of £307.
The majority of houses on Dulwich Close are semi-detached and have two bedrooms.
There are 281 streets and 8,412 properties in the whole of MK16.

If you’re thinking of making a move yourself or know anybody else who is looking to move locally we would love to hear more about it and offer any advice.

Yours sincerely,


Sale agreed letter 1

Dear Neighbour,

We have just agreed a sale of a property on Dulwich Close in Newport Pagnell for £250,000 and set a new precedent for the highest price achieved for a two-bedroom on the street.
There were several buyers that missed out on the property due to high demand and we have
identified your property as something similar.

We are trying to help these disappointed buyers find another property and are hoping you can help us or know of somebody else that can.

If you’re thinking of making a move yourself or know anybody else who is looking to move locally we would love to hear more about it and offer any advice.



Sale Agreed Letter 2

Dear Neighbours,

It has come to our attention that you have recently agreed a sale on your property and we wanted to take this opportunity to say congratulations.
Are you looking to stay local and can we help you find your next home?

Depending on your specific needs, we may have the property you're looking for on the market right now already.

We know that what's on the open market is just a tiny snapshot of what is really available at any one time too. 
We're fortunate enough to have a long list of would-be clients, who've given us permission to contact them should the right buyer appear and can also target specific properties on your behalf that are not yet on the open market with innovative technology.

Every home is on the market, it’s just the more motivated one’s that put for sale signs up or
place their property on a portal. 

If you'd prefer to look at a property that's not yet on the active market, I'd welcome a conversation and we'd love to help.

We may have a home for you!

We wish you the best of luck with your own sale in the meantime and look forward to talking with you in the near future.



New to the market in your street

Dear Neighbour,

Have you noticed that there is a new property on the market in your street?
If you want to be kept posted on this and anything else going on in the market, please do feel free to get in touch with us.

In the meantime here are some facts about your local area that we hope you find interesting:
1. 145 of the 8,412 properties in MK16 have transacted over the past 12 months and
this equates to 1.72%.
2. The average price of a property in MK16 currently stands at £332,296 and that is a
net value of £3,000,000,000!
3. Approximately 11% of properties in MK16 are rented and around 51% do not have a

Yours sincerely,


Valuing in your area letter

Dear Neighbour,

Can you believe that we are in 2023 now; where has the last decade gone?!

The property market has seen a lot of changes over the past decade, from the recession, COVID and wars in Europe.

Our records tell us that your property has not changed hands in over a decade and we thought now might be a good time for you to find out what is happening right now in the property market.
Whether you need to remortgage, renew a will, done lots of work to the property, thinking of extending or are looking to move; we would love to have a chat with you and explain what is happening locally.

In the meantime here are some facts about your local area that we hope you find interesting:
1. 145 of the 8,412 properties in MK16 have transacted over the past 12 months
and this equates to 1.72%.
2. The average price of a property in MK16 currently stands at £332,296 and
that is a net value of £3,000,000,000!
3. Approximately 11% of properties in MK16 are rented and around 51% do not
have a mortgage.

Please do feel free to get in touch if you ever want to have a chat or need any further assistance.

Yours sincerely,


Valuing in your street letter

Dear Dulwich Close resident,

We are doing a market appraisal for a property in your street the week commencing 16th November.

As other residents on the street are considering making a move, we thought you might be interested to know some further information regarding your street and the local area.

5 Facts about Dulwich Close and MK16:

There have been 6 new neighbours in Dulwich Close over the last 12 months and 12 in the last 3
There are 70 properties on Dulwich Close with an average price of £290,190 which is a net value of approximately £19,000,000!
The average £ per square foot is £318 compared to the MK16 average of £307.
The majority of houses on Dulwich Close are semi-detached and have two bedrooms.
There are 281 streets and 8,412 properties in the whole of MK16.

If you’re thinking of making a move yourself or know anybody else who is looking to move locally we would love to hear more about it and offer any advice.



Highest transacted streets letter

Dear Neighbour, (VALUATION)

Did you know there have been 42 completed sales on Westbury Lane over the 3 years and this is one of the highest-selling streets in the whole of MK16!
That means 17.5% of properties have transacted over the past 3 years on Westbury Lane compared to 9.84% for the whole of MK16.

The highest price ever achieved on the street was £530,000 in February 2017.
The overall value of properties on the street is £72,000,000 with an average value of around

If you’re thinking of making a move yourself or know anybody else who is looking to move locally we would love to hear more about it and offer any advice.

Yours sincerely,


Listed Building Letter

Dear Neighbour,

Living in a listed building can be both a positive and negative experience from what our previous
clients have told us over the years.

Either way, we love selling a piece of history and sharing our passion for period properties.
If you know of anybody who is looking to move and lives in a characterful property, we would love to hear from them and discuss the charms of those quintessentially British properties.

Yours sincerely,


Recently completed letter

Dear Hollymead Road Resident,

A very quick update on Chris & Lisa's property sale at number 24.

You may have noticed but the new owners have now moved in :)

It was a successful marketing campaign with over 25 enquiries on the home, over 15 viewings and 4 offers and a sale price of £1,350,000... A record for the road!

We think you’ll like your new neighbours as they were a pleasure to deal with.

You can see from the number of enquiries and viewings we still have many people actively looking to buy in your area.

If you’re thinking of making a move yourself, I’d love to sit down and learn more about your situation too and talk you through our 11 step process for achieving the best result.

My direct contact details are; 07834 000000 and info@homesearch.co.uk

Feel free to call, text or WhatsApp anytime.

I look forward to talking with you soon.



New builds letter

Dear MK16 Homeowner,

Did you know there are 8,412 properties in MK16 and there have been about 159 new build properties transact in the past 5 years around MK16?

The average property price in MK16 is £332,296 and would mean that approximately £52,835,064 worth of new builds have been sold in the last 5 years.

There have been 1,431 transactions across MK16 since December 2015 and new builds account for around 11% of this.

We have found that many of these new build properties in recent years have been purchased with the help to buy schemes and we often find ourselves being asked by the owners of these properties for advice.

This could range from remortgaging to paying off the help to buy loan or selling the existing property and finding another home.

There are plenty of options to consider and if any of this resonates with you, or you know someone that it would, and want to find out more, please do feel free to get in contact with us.



New listing in the area letter

Dear Neighbours,

We wanted to share some of the things we talk about with each and every one of our clients before we sell their homes.

If you have these conversations up front, it makes for a smooth process throughout.

How did you find this home?

There is a strong possibility that the way you found this home could be the same way that your next buyer finds the home.

Is your property being marketed in a way to attract a similar outcome?

What was it that attracted you to buy this home?

The chances are that the things that attracted you to this home will be the same for the next buyer as well.
Is your agent highlighting these features prominently enough?

On a scale of 1 to 10, where would you see your home sitting now? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5.

Is your property priced right and marketed correctly to attract a buyer?
Have you sold a property before and how would you describe the experience?
If you have not sold before what was the experience like as a buyer?

What are the 3 most important things that you want from your estate agent and are these being matched?

Do you have any ideas on how you would like to market your home to improve upon the
current marketing?

Have you spoken to any other agents and what have their suggestions been to improve the marketing and increase your chances of selling?

If you have any questions about me or my company and how we can help you get moved, please do feel free to get in contact.

Yours Sincerely,