Letter content suggestions - Anniversary Letters

Need a point in the right direction? Well feel free to use any of the letters below to start your canvassing journey with Homesearch.

Please feel free to use the below letters, in part or in full. Please make sure you amend any Homesearch generic sections and you're welcome to add your own personality.


Anniversary Letter 1

Anniversary Letter 2

Mortgage referral letter

Anniversary Letter 1

Dear MK16 Homeowner,

Happy 1 year anniversary (perhaps this can be a paper gift)?!
Can you believe it has been 12 months since you purchased your property in November 2019??!
We hope you are as happy now as you were when you moved in last year and are settling into your home.

If you know anyone looking to move in or out of the area, we would love to help them move home as well.

We love to support our local community and if you recommend us to a new client and they
subsequently instruct us to sell their home, we will give you a £100 voucher to spend in a restaurant of your choice in our lovely town.



Anniversary Letter 2

Dear MK16 Homeowner,

Can you believe it has been 25 years since you purchased your home?!
There are 67 other people in MK16 that purchased their property in 1995 and have not moved since, which is not surprising with how amazing our local community is.

A lot has changed in those 25 years:
1. Burj Khalifa Became The World Tallest Building
2. Barack Obama Elected As U.S President
3. 2012 Olympics were held in London
4. Facebook Bought WhatsApp
5. Boris Johnson is the 6th Prime Minister of the UK since 1995

If you want to know what has changed in the property market over the last 25 years or know anybody looking to move in or out of the area, please do get in contact with us.



Mortgage referral letter

Dear MK16 Homeowner,

Can you believe it has been almost 2/3/5 years since you purchased your property?
Around 71% of the 8,412 properties in MK16 have a mortgage on them and we thought you would be interested to know what this means for the property market across MK16.

This means there is approximately £1,140,000,000 worth of property around MK16 that is currently mortgaged and a further £1,530,000,000 that have no mortgage on them whatsoever.

There has been a lot to consider over the past 9 months with mortgage/stamp duty holidays, interest rates, the furlough scheme and loan to value all having an impact on what people in MK16 can borrow now and in the near future.

If you are considering refinancing or know someone that is and want to find out more about the impact the above has had on mortgages and house prices, please do feel free to get in contact with us.
