Letter content suggestions - On Market Properties

Need a point in the right direction? Well feel free to use any of the letters below to start your canvassing journey with Homesearch.

Please feel free to use the below letters, in part or in full. Please make sure you amend any Homesearch generic sections and you're welcome to add your own personality.


New to Market Letter 1

New to Market Letter 2 (buyer focus)

New to Market Letter 2 (tenant focus)

New to Market Letter 3

Assistance in moving letter

Week 2 letter

Week 3/4 letter

Week 5/6 letter

Week 7/8 letter

Week 9/10 letter

Week 11/12 letter

Week 13/14 letter

Week 15/16 letter

Week 17/18 letter

Week 19/20+ letter

Reduced letter

Fallen Through letter

Withdrawn letter

New To Market Letter 1

Dear Neighbour,

We thought you’d like to know that you’ll soon have new neighbours!
We’ve just been trusted by a neighbour on Dulwich Close to SELL their place.
You’ll see the signboard go up in the next few days and we’ll be professionally marketing the home soon.

What we’ve found in the past is it’s actually the locals, like you, who often know someone looking to move into the area.

If you do know anyone who might like to live in Dulwich Close please contact me on 07834 000000 or pop in to see us.

Similarly, if you’re thinking of making a move yourself, once we get everything up and running with the property on Dulwich Close, we’d love to sit down and learn more about your situation too.

Having multiple properties in the same area on the market at the same time is a great strategy to
attract multiple interested parties (and not leave anyone too disappointed if they end up missing out).

Look forward to seeing you around the neighbourhood!

Yours sincerely,

New to market letter 2 (buyer focused)

Dear Neighbour,

We thought you’d like to know that your neighbours on Dulwich Close have decided to make a move to pastures new and have placed their trust in us to secure them a buyer.
You will notice the board go up in the coming days and we hope you do not mind the increased traffic over the coming weeks as we aim to find you some new neighbours to move into this amazing community.

We thought you would be interested to know a little more info on your area seeing as the UK loves nothing more than to talk about two things; the weather and the property market!
Whilst we are not able to predict the weather, we can give you an overview of the local market.

1. 145 of the 8,412 properties in MK16 have transacted over the past 12 months and
this equates to 1.72%.
2. The average price of a property in MK16 currently stands at £332,296 and that is a
net value of £3,000,000,000!
3. Approximately 11% of properties in MK16 are rented and around 51% do not have a

If you’re thinking of making a move yourself or know anybody else who is looking to move locally we would love to hear more about it and offer any advice.

Yours sincerely,

New to market lettings letter 2 (tenant focused)

Dear Neighbour,

We thought you’d like to know that your neighbours on Dulwich Close have decided to make a move to pastures new and the landlord has once again placed their trust in us to secure them a new tenant. 
You will notice the board go up in the coming days and we hope you do not mind the increased traffic over the coming weeks as we aim to find you some new neighbours to move into this amazing community.
We thought you would be interested to know a little more info on your area seeing as the UK loves nothing more than to talk about two things; the weather and the property market!
Whilst we are not able to predict the weather, we can give you an overview of the local market.

1. 145 of the 8,412 properties in MK16 have transacted over the past 12 months and
this equates to 1.72%.
2. The average price of a property in MK16 currently stands at £332,296 and that is a
net value of £3,000,000,000!
3. Approximately 11% of properties in MK16 are rented and around 51% do not have a

If you’re thinking of making a move yourself or know anybody else who is looking to move locally we would love to hear more about it and offer any advice.

Yours sincerely,


New to market letter 3

Dear Neighbours,

I am aware that you are currently on the market for sale and therefore may be moving soon.
I am sure you are in great hands with your agent and you’ll achieve a successful outcome.
One of the parts of our business we pride ourselves most on is helping locals just like you move

We have found in the past that buyers shortlist properties within 3 days of going live and can work out property values in 10 minutes online.

Property is usually at its highest price the day it is listed as buyers pay more when they compete and will offer strong while the listing is fresh.

Are you looking to stay local and can we help you find your next home?

Depending on your specific needs, we may have the property you're looking for on the market right now already.
We know that what's on the open market is just a tiny snapshot of what is really available at any one time too. 

We're fortunate enough to have a long list of would-be clients, who've given us permission to contact them should the right buyer appear and can also target specific properties on your behalf that are not yet on the open market with innovative technology.

Every home is on the market, it’s just the more motivated one’s that put for sale signs up or
place their property on a portal.

If you'd prefer to look at a property that's not yet on the active market, I'd welcome a conversation and we'd love to help. 

We may have a home for you!

We wish you the best of luck with your own sale in the meantime and look forward to talking with you in the near future.


Assistance in moving letter

Dear Neighbour,

We understand that you are currently looking at moving home and are writing to you offering our

From selling, buying, renting, mortgage advice, solicitor advice or just a good old chinwag and having a vent we are here for you.

We know how stressful it is moving home (even at the best of times) and love sharing our experience and knowledge with people that need help.

Please do feel free to get in touch if you ever want to have a chat or need any further assistance.

Yours sincerely,


Week 2 Letter

Dear Neighbours,

How have the first couple of weeks gone with the marketing of your home?
We pride ourselves most on helping locals move even if we are not marketing their home directly.
The average person has around 250 people in their sphere of influence.

Have you shared your property listing on social media as your connections might be interested in your property or know of someone that is?

This can enhance the listing that I am sure your agent has already shared on their social media pages and in local groups.

Also, look at competing properties to yours on the portals/social media and compare your
presentation honestly to theirs.

Is yours current, or dated?

Buyers shop logically and spend emotionally!

You do not get a second chance at a first impression and only have a matter of seconds to
capture the attention of potential buyers so make sure your advert is attention-grabbing.

If you wish to discuss finding out more on how to increase the exposure of your property via social media and other forms of digital marketing, please feel free to contact us.



Week 3/4 Letter

Dear Neighbours,

Did you know that you get around 40% more views on your property in the first 3 weeks of marketing?

Now is the time to be going back over the property views on the portals and social media with your agent to see how your property is currently performing in the market if you have not done so already to ensure it does not go stale.

Have a frank conversation with your agent and ask them about the demand for your property right now.

Did you also know that around 63% of portal traffic is through a mobile device?

Have you checked your listing to see how it compares on both desktop and mobile devices?
It can also be a useful time to be checking how and where your property is being advertised by your agent and how it compares with your competition.

Do a search on the portals for properties like yours, and see how long they have been on the market. Do you have many competitors or few?

There are additional portal products/social media adverts that can be used to increase the exposure of your property on mobile devices and help you stand out from your competition that your agent can advise you about.

It is important to remember that you are on the market in competition and not isolation!
If you want to find out more about how to stand out from the crowd and stay ahead of your
competition, please do feel free to contact us.



Week 5/6 Letter

Dear Neighbours,

What has your agent suggested to change with the marketing during your weekly meetings to
increase the interest of your property?

Your property is at a crucial stage of marketing as the number of views starts to reduce on average as buyers tend to move away from a property after 30 days.

Professional photography is fairly standard now amongst the best estate agents, so to stand out, your photography needs to be exceptional.

Take a look at other properties photography and compare your images to the ones you see there.
How do yours compare?

Are they flattering, well lit and lifestyle-focused?

It is also important to have a floorplan, virtual tour and a video presentation on your property listing to attract the most attention.

Does your competition have the above with their listing? 

Remember that buyers pay more when they compete and it is the job of an agent to create
competition through their marketing!

We like to look back at the marketing and feedback to see if we need to change/update the photos, floorplan, video or advertise the listing in other different ways to enhance it and increase interest to achieve a sale and the price.

If you want to find out more about how to increase interest and stop things from going stale, please do feel free to contact us.



Week 7/8 Letter

Dear Neighbours,

We wanted to share some of the tips we talk about with each and every one of our clients before we sell their homes.

If you have these conversations up front, it makes for a smooth process throughout.
When a property doesn’t sell in the first couple of months, it’s most often due to up-to four reasons.
1. Proximity:
The home is in an area that’s seen as less desirable to the market.
2. Price:
Properties often sit on top of the market rather than ever actually being in the market.
3. Presentation:
If a home isn’t in ‘showroom condition’ it’s more difficult for a buyer to see themselves living there.
If they don’t see themselves at home, they won’t make an offer.
4. The wrong agent:

Sometimes agents forget that homes are on the market in competition, not isolation.
It’s our job at Homesearch to help you stand out from the crowd.

If you have questions about why your home isn’t selling, we’d love to discuss our process and how we can help you.



Week 9/10 Letter

Dear Neighbours,

We understand that your property has been on the market for a little while now and wanted to take this opportunity to share some thoughts and ideas with you.

Properties often sit on top of the market rather than ever actually being in the market.
Has your agent got your price set to make sure that you are getting maximum exposure on the

You want to be marketed at a round number; eg. £400,000, as opposed to £405,000 or £399,995 as of this, will open up your property to more buyers and create more competition, or make sure it sits in the right price brackets on the portals thus increasing your chances of selling.

Does your estate agent support your asking price?

Do you compete well with other similar properties on the market?

Are you trying to break the price ceiling for your road or for a property of your type?

If the interest was good to start with and has reduced as the weeks have gone on, buyers have seen your property and rightly or wrongly, made the decision it is not for them.

If a buyer that bought a similar home to yours hypothetically then looked at your home in the same period, the question is how much over this price would they have paid for yours?
Doing something as simple as changing the main shot of your advertisement can give the property a renewed exposure; eg. changing the front photo for one of your beautiful kitchen or large garden.

No doubt your current agent would have suggested these ideas already but sometimes agents forget that homes are on the market in competition, not isolation.

It’s our job at Homesearch to help you stand out from the crowd.

If you have questions about why your home isn’t selling, we’d love to discuss our process and how we can help you.

Yours Sincerely,


Week 11/12 Letter

Dear Neighbours,

We understand that your property has been on the market for a little while now and wanted to take this opportunity to share some thoughts and ideas with you.

You do not get a second chance at a first impression and only have a matter of seconds to capture the attention of potential buyers.

Follow the tips below to ensure that your home stands out on the market:

1. Maximise kerb appeal by ensuring leaves are swept and front doors clean, move vehicles
from driveways, remove bins and hosepipes, close all windows so the frontage appears
consistent, open curtains and blinds and remove toys from the garden.
2. Clear worktops of clutter, hide sponges, tea towels and oven gloves, move bins out of sight,
ensure cupboard doors and drawers are closed, clear sink and remove fridge magnets.
3. Tidy cushions and throws, remove clutter from coffee tables and under sofas, store away
toys, DVDs and games.
4. Pull duvets as tightly as you can so that bedspreads aren’t wrinkled, remove clutter from
under the bed, close wardrobe doors, ensure clothes and shoes are stored away, pack away
chargers and other small electrical items.
5. Leave toilet seats down, remove towels and toilet paper and clear countertops of products.
How would you rate your estate agent's commitment to selling your property and making sure the
above is happening?

No doubt your current agent would have suggested these ideas already but we feel it’s our job at
Homesearch to help you stand out from the crowd.

Do they seem to be proactive and a deal maker or are they just simply taking orders?
Are they keeping in contact with you, sharing property performance reports/stats and requesting
regular marketing reviews?

If you have questions about why your home isn’t selling, we’d love to discuss our process and how we can help you.

Yours Sincerely,


Week 13/14 Letter

Dear Neighbours,

Are you growing frustrated with your existing agent or increasingly lacking trust and confidence in their ability to help you move home?

Are you calling your agent more than they call you or am I contacting you more than your
agent is?

Your home is 1 of approximately 8,400 properties in MK16 (£3,000,000,000) of which 160 properties have transacted in MK16 (£53,672,000) over the past 12 months.

Around 60% of properties (£32,203,200) end up not selling with the first agent and that means about 96 homeowners failed to sell their property for the first time around in MK16 over the last 12 months.

We helped 33 different families move home in 2019 after they had not been able to sell with their
original choice of estate agent and they are now enjoying their new homes.
Not a bad decision from them in the end, right?

Now imagine how you would feel in your new home and no longer stressing about keeping the house tidy, waiting for the phone call with an offer or going weeks on end with no contact.

How open-minded are you to learn more about how we helped 33 different sellers have an unfair
advantage over their competition or would you rather one of your competing sellers benefit from what we have to offer?

If any of the above resonates with you when thinking about moving home, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

So what are you waiting for?

Yours Sincerely,


Week 15/16 Letter

Dear Neighbours,

We noticed that your property has been on the market for a little while now and thought you would be interested to know the ins and outs of the local market as you are looking to move.

Your home is 1 of approximately 8,400 properties in MK16 (£3,000,000,000) of which 160 properties have transacted in MK16 (£53,672,000) over the past 12 months.

Around 60% of properties (£32,203,200) end up not selling with the first agent and that means about 96 homeowners failed to sell their property for the first time around in MK16 over the last 12 months.

We helped 33 different families move home in 2019 after they had not been able to sell with their
original choice of estate agent and they are now enjoying their new homes.

Our clients on average end up with approximately £7,517.99 more in their back pocket due to us
achieving 98.39% of the asking price compared to the local average of 95.56% and this means we saved our clients from losing a potential £679,500 over the space of the last 12 months.
We make it our mission to keep the local property market informed of what is going on and feel it is our duty to do so.

Are you growing increasingly frustrated with your existing agent or increasingly lacking trust and
confidence in their ability to help you move home as time has gone by?
If this resonates with you when thinking about moving home, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

What is your post-three-month marketing plan?
So what are you waiting for?

Yours Sincerely,


Week 17/18 Letter

Dear Neighbours,

We understand that your property has been on the market for a little while now and wanted to take this opportunity to share some thoughts and ideas with you.

Are you following the below guidelines to make sure your home stands out on the market:
1. Is the price there to entice potential buyers or put them off?
2. Do you have professional photos, a floor plan and a virtual tour?
3. Are you attracting passive buyers via social media?
4. Are you monitoring the click-through rate of your property and making sure it does not
5. How quickly are enquiries being responded to on your property?
6. Are you doing bulk viewings together to increase competition?
7. Are you getting feedback from viewings or as to why you are not getting any viewings?
8. Remember, you are on the market in competition and not isolation; how are you comparing to
your competition?

No doubt your current agent will be speaking to you on the above but we feel it’s our job at
Homesearch to help you stand out from the crowd.

If you have questions about why your home isn’t selling, we’d love to discuss our process and how we can help you.

So what are you waiting for?

Yours Sincerely,


Week 19/20+ Letter

Dear Neighbours,

We understand that your property has been on the market for a little while now and wanted to take this opportunity to share some of the questions we advise any potential sellers to ask when they are thinking of instructing an estate agent or what to look at when their home is not selling:
Do they offer free professional photography, shot by an actual professional photographer, a floor plan and a virtual tour?

Do they have any ‘premium’ promotion products available on the portals?

What is the average click-through rate of their listings and your property?

Have they been using social media to market your property?

Have they been accompanying all viewings even out of hours and on the weekends?

Have they always answered or returned your calls?

Do they have a clear plan for your property if it remains unsold?

What’s their average time to agree to a sale?

What percentage of sales do they agree to exchange/complete for the first time?

How many ‘competing’ offers do they achieve per sale?

On average, what percentage of the asking price do they achieve and how much per transaction do they ne notiate?

Are they helping you with an onward purchase?

What are their reviews like on Google and other platforms?

Are they prepared to remove your property from the market with 24 hrs notice?

If you have questions about why your home isn’t selling, we’d love to discuss our process and how we can help you.

So what are you waiting for?

Yours Sincerely,


Reduced Letter

Dear Neighbours,

It has come to our attention that you have recently altered the asking price of your home and we
wanted to take this opportunity to wish you the very best of luck with the marketing at your new price.

What offer would you accept?

Your home is 1 of approximately 8,400 properties in MK16 (£3,000,000,000) of which 160 properties have transacted in MK16 (£53,672,000) over the past 12 months.

Around 60% of properties (£32,203,200) end up not selling with the first agent and that means about 96 homeowners failed to sell their property for the first time around in MK16 over the last 12 months.

We helped 33 different families move home in 2019 after they had not been able to sell with their
original choice of estate agent and they are now enjoying their new homes.

Our clients on average end up with approximately £7,517.99 more in their back pocket due to us
achieving 98.39% of the asking price compared to the local average of 95.56% and this means we saved our clients from losing a potential £679,500 over the space of the last 12 months.
Not a bad decision from them in the end, right?

Now imagine how you would feel in your new home and no longer stressing about keeping the house tidy, waiting for the phone call with an offer, going weeks on end with no contact or having to reduce your price again.

Are you growing frustrated with your existing agent or increasingly lacking trust and confidence in their ability to help you move home?

How open-minded are you to learn more about how we helped 33 different sellers have an unfair
advantage over their competition or would you rather one of your competing sellers benefit from what we have to offer?

If any of the above resonates with you when thinking about moving home, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

So what are you waiting for?

Yours Sincerely,


Fallen Through Letter

Dear Neighbours,

It has come to our attention that your property has come back on the market and we wanted to take this opportunity to wish you the very best of luck with the marketing.

Did you know around a third of all property sales fall through in the UK?

This can be due to a number of factors that include a lack of due diligence on the part of the agent from checking a chain to the finances of a buyer.

Are you growing frustrated with your existing agent or increasingly lacking trust and confidence in their ability to help you move home?

Your home is 1 of approximately 8,400 properties in MK16 (£3,000,000,000) of which 160 properties have transacted in MK16 (£53,672,000) over the past 12 months.

Around 60% of properties (£32,203,200) end up not selling with the first agent and that means about 96 homeowners failed to sell their property for the first time around in MK16 over the last 12 months.

We helped 33 different families move home in 2019 after they had not been able to sell with their
original choice of estate agent and they are now enjoying their new homes.

Our clients on average end up with approximately £7,517.99 more in their back pocket due to us
achieving 98.39% of the asking price compared to the local average of 95.56% and this means we saved our clients from losing a potential £679,500 over the space of the last 12 months.
Now imagine how you would feel in your new home and no longer stressing about keeping the house tidy, waiting for the phone call with an offer, or going weeks on end with no contact.
How open-minded are you to learn more about how we helped 33 different sellers have an unfair
advantage over their competition or would you rather one of your competing sellers benefit from what we have to offer?

If any of the above resonates with you when thinking about moving home, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

So what are you waiting for?

Yours Sincerely,


Withdrawn Letter

Dear Neighbours,

Did you know around 60% of properties do not sell with the first agent in the UK?
As area specialists, we are responsible for monitoring all properties within our core marketing area. 

A recent market monitor indicates that you have recently withdrawn your property from the market.

If you could achieve the price you were wanting would you still consider selling?
Or if you think something went wrong which prevented a successful outcome I would be happy to
provide a second opinion.

Your home is 1 of approximately 8,400 properties in MK16 (£3,000,000,000) of which 160 properties have transacted in MK16 (£53,672,000) over the past 12 months.

Around 60% of properties (£32,203,200) end up not selling with the first agent and that means about 96 homeowners failed to sell their property for the first time around in MK16 over the last 12 months.

We helped 33 different families move home in 2019 after they had not been able to sell with their
original choice of estate agent and they are now enjoying their new homes.
Our clients end up with approximately £7,517.99 more in their back pocket due to us achieving
98.39% of the asking price compared to the local average of 95.56% and this means we saved our clients from losing a potential £679,500 over the space of the last 12 months.

Not a bad decision from them in the end, right?

Now imagine how you would feel in your new home and no longer stressing about keeping the house tidy, waiting for the phone call with an offer, going weeks on end with no contact or having to reduce your price again.

How open-minded are you to learn more about how we helped 33 different sellers have an unfair
advantage over their competition or would you rather one of your competing sellers benefit from what we have to offer?

If any of the above resonates with you when thinking about moving home, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

So what are you waiting for?

Yours Sincerely,