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How to inform Homesearch of a change of branch/ company address and the possible needed next steps.

A change of branch/ company address will need to be amended in the system by Homesearch - it may then mean you need to follow extra steps to see the changes take place on your previously saved letter templates. This guide will tell you how:

Some branches or businesses will inevitably move during their time as a member of Homesearch. Your address will need to be changed on our system to reflect that on your reports and letters.

In order to facilitate a change of address, please e-mail:




One of our team will then be in touch to let you know your address has been changed on the system.


It is important to note that if you have previously saved and set as default letter templates within your account, you will need to follow the next steps to see the address change on your letter templates. 

If you don't follow the next steps you will notice that your old address will still be showing on your saved/ set as default letter templates.

Firstly you will need to open any letters that have previously been saved and set as default in the usual way.

In Prospector click on "send letters to all **** potential vendors"

Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 14.51.54

This will open up a window which will show all the key dates you currently have selected, next to each letter there is an edit icon. Or an edit icon and an exclamation mark:

Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 14.54.23

Any key date that has an explanation mark has not been edited and will by default now show your new address when you click on the edit icon. You can edit letters with this icon in the usual way as they already have the new address.

Any key date that doesn't have an exclamation mark has previously been edited and has a letter set as default. 

These letters will need to be edited again, to make sure the new address pulls through.

You will need to click on the edit icon and go through the following simple steps for each key date:

1) Copy all the text in the main part of the letter that you have previously edited.

2) Save that content somewhere you can use Notes on a Mac, but you could use any word processing software, usually "Word" for most users.

3) In the bottom left hand corner you will see that it says: "Revert to Original Template" - You will need to click on this. (shown in the image below)

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that at this point it will remove any content you have edited within the letter including the TEXT, your LOGO and your CONTACT NO. (hence the need to save your text somewhere else to add back in after this step)

Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 15.00.12

3a) You will now notice that the template has reverted to the unedited original format and that the address has changed to your new/ correct address.

4) Now paste you text back into the letter, re-add your logo and contact number.

5) Don't forget to Set as Default and Save.

6) That's it your letter will now be saved and set as default with the new/ correct address.