Re:Contact - Filter Agent

Prioritise your business or search for others.

Filter Agent is a search bar option within Market Success or On Market results pages of Re:Contact.

Filter Agent - Market Success

Why search for my own business in Market Success?

Prioritise your own Market Success stories by entering your agency name in the Filter Agent option, which will list all of your agencies' matching properties and the known contact opportunities nearby to market to - what better than spreading news of your own success?

In the example below, a Knight Frank agent could partially search their brand name and Re:Contact will start filtering those that match, now that agent can actively work through those opportunities they may consider an easier conversation, capitalising on their own success.

Why search for a competing business in Market Success?

If you don't personally hold the majority market share in your area, there could be a business case for capitalising on the success of others, especially with the people you know in an area, making them aware of a property moving fast on the market nearby to them or achieving a price that might appeal to that contact for example.
Use these opportunities to stay in touch with your database and see if they'd be interested in seeing how that success has affected their home's expected price. A call is quicker and more personal than any paper-based marketing your competitor may use to market this success and there's nothing wrong with keeping in touch with your database and any unique selling point or value add you could provide in comparison. Agents use comparable information regardless of the agent all the time for valuations, this can be held in the same regard.

Filter Agent - On Market

In comparison to Market Success being focused on your own agency name to filter against, with On Market, use it to target known competitors you feel confident offering alternative services against to those properties they currently have on the market.

The best user case for using the Filter Agent option within the Re:Contact On Market opportunities is to search for particular competitors to actively target their stock rather than the On Market opportunities presented originally by their time on the market or being Reduced. Target your opportunity, call/email/text to initiate a timely conversation and nurture your value-add to your known contact.


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